Public Safety Forum.
A way to confront the issue.
By threshing out good solutions for bad problems TOGETHER—online and in real-time—before submitting them to Thom Druffel, our District Council Representative. Thom has pledged to examine and help shape our ideas and champion all worthy solutions to the Nashville Department of Transportation (NDOT) for enaction.
By sharing and collecting information, and building a database of evidence to support requests for police patrol presence and traffic-calming measures.
By providing a repository for THIS evidence
Information about streets and intersections where drivers are indifferent to the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and other drivers.
Letters from concerned and supportive neighbors
Public Safety Team discourse, comments, and observations​
This site will serve as a Public Safety Forum to help us stay on track, stay in touch, and stay engaged.
It will also provide links to information and resources
Important news and events relating to public safety
Minutes/notes/updates on Public Safety Team projects and solutions

Problem | Speeding
Let's do something about it.
People who speed are indifferent to the laws that protect our children, pedestrians, bicyclists, other drivers, AND themselves.
CLICK, REVIEW, and HELP US refine 3 Solutions developed by our Public Safety Team. The link will take you to a secured shared document, where we can review one another’s comments/ideas in real-time. Simply type your comments/ideas in the grey box underneath the 3 solutions. It's easy.
If you didn't receive a password, email us at​.
We will submit the solutions to Thom Druffel, our Metro Council Representative. Thom has pledged to examine and help shape our ideas and champion all worthy solutions to the Nashville Department of Transportation (NDOT) for enaction.
Problem | Crime/Break-ins
Let's do something about it.
Lack of awareness, concern, and communication among neighbors and with police. What is the solution? Read through the solutions, scroll down — THEN it’s your turn. Tell us what you think.
CLICK, REVIEW, and HELP US refine 3 Solutions developed by our Public Safety Team. The link will take you to a secured shared document, where we can review one another’s comments/ideas in real-time. Simply type your comments/ideas in the grey box underneath the 3 solutions. It's easy.
If you didn't receive a password, email us at​.
We will submit the solutions to Thom Druffel, our Metro Council Representative. Thom has pledged to examine and help shape our ideas and champion all worthy solutions to the Nashville Department of Transportation (NDOT) for enaction.