They did the Bash — They did the BAGEL BASH!
Last Thursday evening the District 23 Public Safety Team treated the West Precinct Policemen and Policewomen to assorted warm bagels, cream cheese, capers for the coppers, drinks, home-baked cookies (thank you Stephanie Sephel), and AND a lotta of affirmation for their work and dedication to our community. The Public Safety Team's Chair Lauren Balmer said, “Our presence was a present of appreciation and encouragement for the guardians of our neighborhoods.”

(from L to R) Tom Wright, Lauren Balmer, Rachel Kaiser, and Laurie Loughlin (creator/coordinator of the Bagel Bash). Those missing from the pic include Greg and Stephanie Sephel (the cookie cook), the other Team members who helped fund the Bagel Bash, and our District 23 Metro Council Representative, Thom Druffel who formed (and is part of) the Public Safety Team.
“There were enough bagels to go round for everyone: the evening shift, morning shift, afternoon shift, and the staff,” added Laurie Loughlin, PublicSafety Team member and creator/coordinator of the Bagel Bash.

“It was a blast,” said Sgt. Amanda Kozen. “Our officers and staff were surprised and grateful for the backing AND bagels.” ​

A special shout out to Benji’s Bagel & Coffee House for discounting the main course—bagels and all the trimmings.