Belle Meade.
What are they up to?
From: City of Belle Meade <>
Date: May 4, 2023
Subject: Public Notice - Belle Meade Traffic Study In Progress
The City of Belle Meade is working with consulting engineers from KCI Technologies to collect detailed traffic data that will support the development of targeted traffic calming projects in these areas. The data collected will provide traffic volume counts, vehicle classification (i.e. number of cars, trucks, delivery vehicles, etc.), and speed data.
This notice is intended to provide you with notice and information about the presence of both workers in or near the roadway installing data collection equipment this week.
You will see both cameras on poles in some areas and black tubes laid across the roadway in some areas. These are only temporary and will be removed next week.
Traffic calming, both reducing speeds and the volume of non-resident traffic, is a top priority identified in the Belle Meade Together Plan. Using this data, the City and its engineers will consider options and best practices for traffic calming in these locations. We will continue to share the progress and recommendations as the projects develop.
Traffic Data Collection In Progress:
Locations with Cameras:
Lynwood Terrace at Lynwood Blvd
Harding Pk at Jackson Blvd
Nichol Ln at West Tyne Blvd
Belle Meade Blvd at Harding Pk
Belle Meade Blvd at Jackson Blvd
Belle Meade Blvd at Deer Park Dr
Belle Meade Blvd at Harding Pl
Belle Meade Blvd at West Tyne
Belle Meade Blvd at Chickering Rd
Traffic Count Tube Equipment photo
Locations with Tube Data Collectors:
Lynwood Terrace
Gerald Place
West Tyne Drive
Jackson Blvd
Belle Meade Blvd (3 locations)