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Traffic Calming.
What is it?


Traffic Calming is a means to discourage speeding and other unsafe driving behaviors. The process includes identifying a dangerous roadway and modifying the street’s design to slow or divert car traffic AND encourage responsible driving.

Does it work?

Yes. Traffic calming reduces traffic speed, reduces motor-vehicle collisions, and improves safety for pedestrians and cyclists. – Department of Transportation

Do you live on or near a dangerous street?


Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) provides a Neighborhood Street Traffic Calming Program. Projects are developed in concert with residents.

West Meade Hillwood Traffic Calming Projects | as of 9/9/2023.

Click here for list and map

Please Note: The Neighborhood Street Traffic Calming (NSTC) Program is in high demand with applications covering close to 1,000 streets. Due to this high volume, the NSTC Team must use a methodology to rank and select streets. Selection criteria, program information and updates can be found on their website: Nashville Neighborhood Street Traffic Calming Program


The next NSTC program application window will open on September 1, 2023, and remain open for 2 weeks. 


Sign up for Traffic Calming updates on their website to stay up to date on the next selection, future application windows, and other announcements. 

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